School Name * How did you hear about The Problem Solving Company ? Please selectRepeat VisitRecommendationGoogle SearchReceived EmailReceived Brochure Booking Process How would you rate the information received prior to booking The Problem Solving Company ? Please selectExcellentGoodOkPoor How would you rate the booking process ? Please selectExcellentGoodOkPoor Activities Did you enjoy the activities ? Please selectyesno Did the teachers enjoy the activities ? Please selectyesno How would you rate the activities undertaken ? Please selectExcellentGoodOkPoor Equipment How do you rate the equipment and resources we use in our Team Building Days ? Please selectExcellentGoodOkPoor Staff Did the team meet your expectations? Please selectyesno Additional Comments Standard of our Team Building Days Do you think the particular learning aims of the course were covered? Please selectyesno Additional Comments Are there any ways we can improve the standard of our Team Building Days? Your experience for other teachers In a sentence or two can you sum up your experience to other schools What would encourage you to book The Problem Solving Company again? Future Dates Our Team Building days become fully booked in June, July, September and October each year. Many Schools book the same day each year. Would you like to provisionally hold a future date to avoid disappointment? Thank you for taking the time in filling out this evaluation form.