Group Size: 10 – 100 Key stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Co-operation, Trust Equipment: Bell or other noisy item Download Activity PDF For this blindfolded team building activity the group stand in a large circle. One member of the group stands in the middle of the circle. They need to wear…
Group Size: 6+ Key stages: KS2, KS3 , KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Communication, Equipment: Pen, Coin and table and chairs Download Activity PDF This is an indoor team building game played around a table. Ideally even sized teams sit in lines facing each other across a table. Sitting in chairs is…
For this team building activity everyone is required to stand in a circle. The bigger the group the better – Tricky at the time of print! Go around the circle and give all team members a name – Kiwi, lime, pineapple, banana. These names can be whatever you fancy, although…
The Team at The Problem Solving Company love taking part in team challenges and for many years we have been big fans of Escape Rooms. These immersive, team building activities are a great way for work or friendship teams to bond. For many years we have been running a compact…
We are very pleased to announce that we are now open for bookings for all Secondary Schools for our Maths Challenge Carousel. This new Maths Activity day has been carefully planned and tested over the last year. It is the perfect way for schools to challenge their students with a…
Group Size: Multiple Groups of 4 – 6 Key Stage: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Creativity; Verbal Communication; Decision Making Equipment: Newspapers; Cellotape Download Activity PDF The Sky is the Limit – AKA: Newspapers Towers, This activity is a great team building exercise where the equipment of old newspapers and…
Back to Back – Sketch it. Students will work in pairs and sit back to back. They will take it in turns to be the describer and the sketcher. The describer will describe a shape without saying the name whilst the sketcher will try to draw the described shape as…
A great fun yet inexpensive team building activity. All that is required is some scissors a newspaper a piece of A4 paper and a glue stick or cellotape per team. We suggest that this activity is run in teams of 2-6. However larger teams will work. The aim of the…